After the fist impression of your website, visitors and parents will enter your school gates and make a judgement on your reception entrance area.

A cluttered messy space with unorganised noticeboards, shabby walls with faded displays all leaves visitors with a negative experience, but an entrance that is warm, bright and welcoming and reflects your school’s ethos and values, will make a good lasting impression.

Organised areas that are clearly sign posted help parents and visitors scan information quickly; e.g. notices, achievements, staff boards, school motto and examples of children’s work.

Through our work we visit many schools we often find ourselves sitting in reception, and we often ask ourselves, do I feel welcome here? Is it obvious what school I am in? Can I quickly scan a staff board to see the member of staff I’m about to visit? Am I sitting in a public space like a health visitor centre or does it feel like a school? If the school is a faith based primary or secondary, can I tell?

Take a look around your reception space and if any of your answers to the above questions are no, then get in touch with the Two Thirds Design team. We are happy to visit your school, take a look around your reception space and offer concept ideas and prices, at no obligation, free of charge.

Let Two Thirds Design transform your school space.