Old/New website!! ok, so it look pretty much exactly the same or very close to the untrained eye, but we really like the current design and well if it ain’t broke don’t fix it right.

Despite appearances the site has had a complete over hall and under the surface a lot has changed here are just a few.

  • New Layouts – we’ve added some new layout designs and tweaked others.
  • Bootstrap based theme.
  • Ditched – Highslide in favour of Fancybox for lightbox galleries.
  • HTML5 & CSS3 – A lot of original site design was powered by image backgrounds and css sliding doors, we’ve replaces ones that gave us curved corners, drop shadows and gradients with CSS3.
  • IE6 – we used to make a vague attempt to make it look good ok, now we don’t.
  • Retina graphics – we’ve created new retina graphics, especially where they contain text,
  • Custom Content Types & Taxonomies for WordPress – we’ve used them for ages on our clients sites, but this one was originally build before they existed so we created a load and migrated over the old content as best  as possible.
  • Icon Font – several icons throughout the site have been replaced with a font.
  • Sprites – small background images have been combined into sprites.
  • Finally we’ve put some effort into optimisation, we already served some of the graphical assets from a CDN, thats now most.. and were also taking or JS and CSS optimisation and cacheing further in a effort to really minimise load times.

The result hopefully a faster, easier to user site !!