As human beings, we naturally react to the physical impact of our surroundings. We adapt our clothing to move comfortably through hot or cold air. We spend considerable sums on furniture that makes us feel relaxed and secure. We respond to pleasing décor. And we react just as readily to our emotional atmosphere.

Study after study indicates that a positive school environment is essential for optimal teaching and learning. We at Two Thirds Design understand how important the environment is as an aid to learning. If a child feels secure, happy and calm in their surroundings, they are more likely to feel relaxed and able to learn.

We can help your school develop an environment that will enable all students to feel positively connected to their school, relaxed, and realize their maximum potential. Whatever your requirements, we can help you transform your interior or exterior spaces into calming quiet corners, for reflection and down-time, all the way through to stimulating, engaging spaces to be used as resources or inspiration.